Native Oysters
Rain and Wind x Repeat
Dear reader, what can we say, it has been a while since we posted an update. As it happens, this is summer has been dreadful, cold, wet and windy, and apparently it has been the worst summer in Scotland in over twenty years but time and tide waits for no man. So let’s get on with a brief review of what has been happening.
Cuairt suas (A round up) - 2023!
It is that that time of year again, so time for a wee round up of what we have been up to over the last 12 months. A key year for us and our Native European Flat Oyster (Ostrea edulis) Restoration efforts.
Oysters and the Firth of Forth - Part 3 (Extinction & Rebirth)
The history of oysters in Firth of Forth since the time of the Industrial Revolution. A story of extinction. Learn about Restoration Forth project's efforts to restore oyster populations.
Oysters And The Firth of Forth – Part 2 (The Fisher Folk)
The story of the ‘Fisher Folk’, the people who, along with other species, fished for oysters in the Firth of Forth.
Oysters and the Firth of Forth – Part 1 (Pre Industrial Revolution)
The first in a series of small articles that cover the fascinating and colourful history of Scotland’s most famous oyster bed in the Firth of Forth. This is an introduction and considers the pre industrial revolution period.
Life is short, buy the Native oysters
Yes indeed, life is short so buy the shoes, sorry no, buy the Native oysters!
Word of the day – Ostracise!
Are you aware of the link between oysters and the word ostracise? It is one of those little curiosities of life that pop up occasionally.
Where has the time gone?
Where has the time gone?
We are already a quarter into the year! Where has the time gone? We have been so busy that t...
The Native Oyster Ark
We have been rather quiet of late as we have been busy juggling the farm and various other work commitments. One of those work commitments is the Native Oyster Ark project. The ultimate goal of this project is to help save the remaining wild Native oyster (Ostrea edulis) populations in Scotland.
Can you eat oysters all year round and when are they at their best?
Can you eat oysters all year round and when are they at their best? An article to help try and navigate these two key oyster related questions. We shall use the discussion to generate some rough 'rules of thumb' to help you on your own oyster quest!
TinyReef - BESE elements
We recently had a visit from our friend Malenthe from the The Netherlands. She is a marine biologist who works for BESE Products. These guys make biodegradable ecosystem restoration products.
They have arrived - Native Oysters 2021
Limited release of our first Native oysters of the 2021 season. They go on sale today (Friday, 17 September 2021), and shall be available for delivery this coming week only. Order now to get your hands on these rare Scottish shellfish.